Grön-Fri, effective against algae and lichen. For all outdoor surfaces. Effective against algae and lichen. For all outdoor surfaces. Facades, roofs, fences, paving, decking, walls, awnings etc. Swedish product, DuraCrete AB (Ltd.) 有效对抗藻类和地衣。对于所有的户外表面。
Lithurin is environmentally friendly. Lithurin系列产品注重环境保护 Lithurin is waterbased and therefore environmentally friendly. Manufactured in a environment friendly way, following all Swedish and European environment protecting laws.
Lithurin increases abrasion resistance by 20 times. Lithurin系列产品提高地面耐磨性达20倍 Independent test results prove that Lithurin treatment increases abrasion resistance by approx 20 times according to SP (Swedish National Testing and Research Institute). Lithurin can be used on both old and new concrete as well as on all cement based products.